I recieved the following update on the DNA tests regarding this branch from Janet Wood.
"In the last week we've had two Big Ys come in, both of which are fascinating.
The first is a descendant of Daniel Pettit (1812). Daniel was the brother of Elijah Pettit (1790-) and Nathaniel H Pettit (1813-1885) and they were sons of John Pettit (1771-c1845) and grandsons of Joshua Pettit (1734-1786). What I like, as an enthusiast of the genetic side of this, is that their shared haplogroup, FT187589, had to have been inherited from their father. And because none of John's brothers had it, John's father lacked it and, therefore, it first emerged at John's birth. (This is what we call an anchor SNP.) In other words, John Pettit and all his direct progeny had and still have the FT187589 marker. Indeed, anyone born with the marker descends from John."