This forum exists to further the genealogy efforts of those studying the Pettit family and allied families.
The benefit of hosting this on the Pettit Research server is that the forum messages are publicly available for anyone to read and will therefore show up in search engine results. Your questions and comments will get a wider audience this way and, since they are managed by the Pettit Research server, they will exist perpetually with this site. Posting a query here may get an immediate result or two but it could also get a result 2 years from now when someone does a search for a similar topic.
It should go without saying that users of this forum should not spam, post links to promote products, post pornographic images or engage in any other moronic or childish behavior of similar nature. In depth political discussion should be done somewhere else. Please be respectful, kind and courteous.
Collaboration does not mean competition. There are others researching this family and every effort will be made assist and promote their projects as well.